“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Many times, over the years I have read this bible verse, and it has provided much comfort to me. I have memorized it, shared it with friends, and purchased cards imprinted with these sacred words. I have always thought of it from the perspective of this life. My life. Today. This earthly journey. I know the Lord loves us and wants what is best for us. I have many times even had friends share this scripture with me when I was going through tough times. The year 2022 saw tough times for many, including my husband and me.
Finding Peace While Losing Friends and a Job
My husband, the primary breadwinner for our family, lost his job unexpectedly. This news rattled us deeply. The security of his income to provide for us would be gone. We did what we have done many times in the past — we prayed. We prayed and fasted. A year later he still has not found work, but we have found peace. God is providing. I have been able to work more hours at my part-time job. This has been a huge blessing.
At the beginning of 2022, we lost two dear friends at our church. One was our dearly loved and cherished Pastor. The other was someone we had spent time serving with on a mission trip in the summer of 2021. Both losses were very sudden. Two families lost their loved ones to death. It rattled us deeply. We again went to our knees to pray. I do not understand the hurt, pain, death, and suffering. This world abounds with it.
As a nurse who works on the floor, I have seen many very sad situations. God did not cause suffering and pain. Sin entered our world when Adam and Eve decided not to trust God’s goodness and ate the tree they were instructed to avoid. Sin has been here ever since. Six thousand years of sin — developing, growing, and producing ugliness that is hard to witness and experience.

I know that the God who loves us so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to die for us, does not delight in our suffering. The Bible tells us that Jesus wept at the grave of Lazarus. Jesus also wept when He looked upon Jerusalem. He saw into the future and knew it would come to destruction. This shows a heart of love, sympathy, and a divine being who was willing to leave the safety of heaven to come and secure our salvation. What incredible love!
Recently, when I opened up my bible app and saw the Jeremiah 29:11 passage, I thought to myself, “God, you always keep your word to your people. You are trustworthy.” Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
Future Hope!
Do you believe He is faithful? If I take a look at my life and the lives of those around me, is He faithful? I prayed, “God, will you keep your word? Is there hope and future for your children?” Then it dawned on me like light flooding into my soul... YES! This is not just talking about my life here. This is not just a promise of health, wealth, and prosperity here! It is talking about my future life! My hope of a life in Eden restored.
He is promising us the hope of eternal salvation, the hope of a life beyond what we see today and are experiencing on this fallen planet. Jesus’ death on the cross paid the price for sin. The wages of sin is death. Jesus took our place so that we, as sinners, could be reconciled to our God now and forevermore. God has been patiently waiting for 6,000 years to be reunited with His children — to walk with us, to be our God and we, His people. So yes, there is hope and a future. A future where we live in the presence of our God forever, free from the threat of sin and death.

God created us to enjoy life, to be happy and full of His peace and joy. Some of us may not experience that here due to the results and darkness of sin, but the fact that Jesus walked on this earth, hung on the cross, laid in the grave, and rose on the third day guarantees that sin and evil have been conquered. AMEN and AMEN!
The Bible is full of truth and promises. His Word is our hope and future. Jesus will come again. He will take His children home. Home to heaven, a place where there is no more crying, sorrow, suffering, death, or loss. A place where, we are told, the beauty is such as cannot be described with words. A place where even the animals will not fight. A place where I can sit and not worry about the future. The future God has planned for me is a good one that will not bring me harm, but rather hope and a future.
Call to Action
God will always be true to His Word. He unfolds His heart and reaches out to us through His Perfect son, Jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory, the Holy One of Israel, who personifies the message He has for each of us — a special message of sacrificial love, rescue and redemption…
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).
This bible verse is a gift to all who are willing to receive it. I am longing for that day when Jesus will keep His word and take us home. How about you?

All scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.