A Crown of Thorns

A crown of thorns You wore for me

On Your way to Gethsemane.

Leaving a holy trail of blood

So, by your sacrifice, in heaven, I could be.

You could have called Your angels

To come to rescue You from the mob.

But instead, You went through all the pain

So, You could win our hearts with love.

By Your crown of thorns, we now know

We should turn from the defeated foe

And rather love and obey You

So, we can claim you as our King.

The crown will always remind us

About how much our salvation costs.

To secure our place in heaven

You never with sin compromised.

I praise you Lord for the crown of thorns

Because as You wore it on the cross

My salvation there You gained

So, by your grace, I could be born again.

No More Goodbyes

There’s a land where there are no sins

Where love and peace reign within

There is no darkness and no pain

Only love we have to gain.

This land is called the land of Emmanuel.

The Lord calls us as He did with Samuel

To worship the King of peace and love

For what He did for us here and above.

There will be no sickness nor death

No suffering, no end of the breath

For the lives of those who trust in Him

And live forever with Jesus, our King and Kin.

We will never say goodbye to anyone.

We will see face-to-face the loving One.

No more tears, no complaints, no pain

All labor and efforts won’t be in vain.

Oh, if we could have the vision that Moses had

All our suffering wouldn’t be so bad.

Because of Jesus’s sacrifice, we will rejoice.

That we have followed Him and made this choice.

Call to Action

Jesus is coming very soon, and He wants to take us to Heaven to be with Him forever! Soon, He will come and everyone on earth will know He's coming and Jesus' friends will meet Him in the air.

"For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 ESV, emphasis added)

Will you remember what Jesus did for you and me? Will you ask Him daily to lead you? Will you ask Jesus to be your friend?

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