The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

Psalm 121:7-8

With spring just a week away, everyone in our neighborhood was getting ready. Some were painting, and others were doing some remodeling inside. I was getting ready to have my front door redone along with some brick steps.

While at work, I received a text from my neighbor Angelo asking if he could power wash the side of my house to spruce it up free of charge. I thought that was a lovely gesture and thankfully agreed. About a half hour after the first text, I received another text asking me to call him. Something didn’t seem right. I told him when I would be available to call. Then asked if everything was okay. He said he smelled a strong gas odor while power washing the side of my house. It seemed very likely that I had a gas leak. Angelo gave me clear instructions on who to call to take care of the situation. I contacted the gas company, and they came IMMEDIATELY. Thankfully, they found the leak, replaced the meter, and ensured the property was safe again.

Angelo had never offered to power wash my house before in all the 16 years of living next to him. I firmly believe that the Spirit of God moved upon Angelo's heart to make such an offer that spring day. Once Angelo realized how grave the situation was, he told me, “everything happens for a reason, doesn't it?” But I knew that it was God working on my behalf. God knows that my trust is in Him, Jehovah, the one and only true and wise God. God works on our behalf even when we have no clue that He is working.

Call to Action

Sometimes it's easy to worry about the things we know. What about all the things we don't know, and God, in His faithfulness, takes care of them unbeknownst to us? “If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.” (2 Timothy 2:13) Isn't God amazing! He is faithful because of who He is — regardless of whether we believe. His mercies are indeed new every day. The next time you find yourself worrying about something, give it to God. Have faith that even though we may have no idea how God is working it out, we can have peace that He IS taking care of it. Find your peace in God.

All scripture taken from the King James Version.

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