“He said, ‘Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’”
2 Kings 6:16 ESV
The Conquerors Conquered
Baffled, the king of Syria could not understand how the prophet of God, Elisha, knew his every move. The king’s agenda was to dispose of God’s servant permanently, but somehow, Elisha always knew the next bullet point on his scheming plan. How did that happen?
After counseling with his wise men, the king noted, “At such and such a place shall be my camp” (2 Kings 6:8 ESV). As soon as an element of the plot came together, God informed Elisha, who in turn informed the king of Israel to avoid the location.
The perplexed Syrian monarch struggled to wrap his mind around how his secret information materialized in the enemy’s court without fail. Should he give up and go home? Not a chance. He was like a hyena who had the scent of blood in his nose and could not let go.
Why was Elisha always one step ahead of him? One of his wise men added to his confusion when he noted, “Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom” (2 Kings 6:12 ESV). How did that happen?
At long last, the Syrian learned that Elisha was in Dothan. Silently, the opposing army encroached and encircled the city in the dark of night.
When Elisha’s servant arose early in the morning, he went out and saw all the horses and chariots surrounding them. He panicked. How were he and Elisha going to survive an entire army? “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” (2 Kings 6:15 ESV).
With calm assurance, the prophet prayed, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see” (2 Kings 6:17 ESV). Instantly, the servant’s eyes clearly saw the fiery militia of God on the mountains encompassing them. God was about to hand them the victory.

Triumph in Samburu Land
Samburu Moran Liamo and his fellow warriors were in the forest recently when they were attacked by members of the Pokot tribe. The Samburu-Pokot war is daily news in Kenya, and the armed Pokots receive their guns and ammunition from the Sudanese, Somalis, and/or Ethiopians. For at least three years, these battles have been over water rights because of an ongoing drought, which, in October 2023, began to alleviate when much-needed rain began to fall to the earth. Samburus could grow gardens again and feed their livestock instead of watching them wither into oblivion.

Typically, these people are illiterate, especially the warriors. However, Liamo and some of his colleague warriors are learning to read from the Bible.
Mara Vision Outreach (MVO) has been ministering to the Samburu people since 2016. In January 2023, MVO launched literacy classes designed for the Samburu Moran warriors. Two of MVO’s pastors, who are blood brothers, lead this education and are former Morans themselves.
Just a few months into their learning, the Morans asked to have their own church service. In June 2023, MVO’s president delivered the Sabbath sermon to these hungry souls. The message—the power of prayer.

On the day of the attack, Liamo suddenly found himself alone with the Pokot because all the other Samburus had fled. In an instant, he felt a bullet graze his skull so close that it shaved the hair in its path without breaking the skin.
Liamo remembered what he had learned in June, so he pronounced a simple prayer: “Help!”
Without warning, the clouds opened with a deluge of rain on the Pokot, making them think they were surrounded by Samburu. Terrified, they bolted into the forest, leaving Liamo to know that the God of the heavens had not only spared his life but also that He is Someone to be trusted.
Call to Action
Do you have moments of great trepidation and no resources to provide assistance? Appeal to the God who values you so much that He paid the highest price for you—His Son.