As Told By: Pamela A.

“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:16-17).

There I was, up the hillside in my humble country home in Belize with Hurricane Lisa heading straight for us. All around town, people were talking about the hurricane that would soon arrive. My neighbors down the hill were leaving the area. "You should come with us,” they said. But I really wanted to be home to spend time with God in the quietness. I had never experienced a hurricane before in Belize. In the United States, a hurricane really wasn't a big deal to me. My dear friend, Pastor Ben, called me and said he would also be leaving, and I was welcome to join him and his family. Again I declined. I went to the market and got a few things to prepare for the impending storm. Returning to my abode up the hill, I noticed the town seemed emptier with my friends and neighbors gone.

Up here in the mountains, it is so easy to see the love of our Creator God. The view of the sky and all the trees which bear fruit in its season are magnificent. I have fig, papaya, coconut, almond, and many other trees in my garden to taste and enjoy. The sounds of the birds and other animals continuously declare our Heavenly Father’s glory and majesty. On this day, however, things were fairly still and quiet. No animal sounds, no beautiful sunshine. Everything was dark and ominous. The rain started falling, and I was studying and praying (talking) to God for His blessings and guidance.

My Fear and Anxiety Disappears

While I was praying, things started to become really scary. The odd noises of the hurricane, the heavy downpours of the pouring rain, and the wind blowing like a freight train all mixed together were indescribable. I began to feel nervous and uneasy. Then Pastor Ben called to see if I was okay. I thanked him for checking up on me and said I was okay. He prayed with me, and the conversation ended. The truth is, I was afraid. I was loaded with fear and anxiety. I questioned why I had stayed. I wondered why I didn't listen to the locals and just went with them. Suddenly, I heard an inner voice say, “I am with you. I led you here and will not forsake you.” The text Matthew 1:23 came to mind: “‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,’ which is translated, ‘God with us.’”

I audibly repeated that God was with me. I started to focus on my Heavenly Father's love for me. After a while, I noticed I was no longer anxious; I had no more fears. Hurricane Lisa was still raging outside, the noises were still there, if not louder, but Jesus, my Savior, was with me. He was in me, and therefore all fear was gone. I went to sleep and had the best night of rest since I moved to Belize a year ago.

Call to Action

What a powerful God we serve. This was an excellent reminder to always keep my eyes on Jesus because I become filled with fear and anxiety when I focus on the outside circumstances. DO you ever feel filled with worries, fears, or anxieties? There are many beautiful promises in the Bible that can calm our hearts and minds. These promises remind us that God is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus will lead us to peace and victory. Keep looking up!

All scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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