Did you know that the tax code has grown from 400 pages in 1913 to over 74,000 pages today?1 Although the tax code is much longer than the Bible (more than 40 times), it doesn’t hold the keys to eternity.

The Bible is full of treasures that are simple for us to comprehend but do we value this treasure chest as much as the cares of this world? Do we spend as much time focusing on eternity as we spend focusing on our daily interests?

Why not invite Jesus to awaken you each morning (Isaiah 50:4 NASB®) and show you how to live more for heavenly things.

  1. Maurie Backman, “10 Facts About Taxes You Didn't Know.” The Motley Fool, April 10, 2017, fool.com/retirement/2017/04/10/10-facts-about-taxes-you-didnt-know.aspx. Accessed April 5, 2021.

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