For this e-Magazine, we are featuring the most-read articles published in 2023. We pray that you are blessed as you read and share and as the Holy Spirit leads you and others in this new year. 

We believe the stories from these articles will inspire you in your walk with God and to share the good news of Jesus' soon return with others.

Call to Action

We encourage you to ask God daily to give you Divine appointments and to give you souls to win for Heaven.

May God bless you richly in this new year!

"'Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit'" (Jeremiah 17:7-8 ESV).

Read all of the articles connected to our "Top 10+ Stories from 2023" theme this month.

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Recent Articles

The POWER of the Helper
The POWER of the Helper
Time to Get Ready Team · Oct 2 2 minute read

The Spirit wants to help us with our weaknesses. He will also be with us whether we are having a bad day or sharing Jesus with a stranger. How do we expect the Holy Spirit to help us if...

Fearless Fishermen
Fearless Fishermen
Time to Get Ready Team · Aug 21 1 minute read

We're thankful for each team member at Time to Get Ready Ministries and the tireless efforts made to write, edit, lead, and share messages that encourage and enlighten others. We're especially thankful for our young volunteers who write and share very insightful words to help us grow closer to Jesus—most of the articles below are written by them.

Knowing God
Knowing God
Time to Get Ready Team · Jun 12 1 minute read

Have you ever wondered, "Do I really know God?" You might say to yourself, "Of course, I know God. I read my Bible, go to church, and pray daily." We need to do more than...