It's time to claim God's promises each and every day. In the featured section of our e-Magazine there are three articles (and videos) from three different guest authors that share what God has done for them as they've claimed the promises in God's Word. 

Are We Ready?

God is ready and willing to do more for each of us, but are we ready and willing to know His promises and ask Him for more? He wants us to know Him and His Word better, but are we willing to let go of our priorities and focus on knowing Him and His priorities for us? He wants to pour out unimaginable blessings on us and others, but are we ready to let God work for us instead of trying to do everything ourselves?

"'Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know'"

Jeremiah 33:3 NASB

Call to Action

Will take time today and each day going forward, to claim God's promises for you and others?

The Key is Claiming God's Promises. God can do more for us than we can imagine. He's ready, willing, and waiting for us to ask Him for more by claiming the promises in God's Word. Will you claim more of God's promises each and every day?

To see the stories connected to our e-Magazine theme of "Claiming God's Promises," select the following link:

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