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The Skeleton Key
The Skeleton Key
Don MacLafferty · Aug 23 9 minute read

After preparing for bed, I knelt by my bed to pray. “God, I am leaving for home the day after tomorrow. What is on Your heart?” Instantly, the quiet voice of God whispered softly to my heart and mind. “Come out under the stars, Don. There is something I want to tell you.” Hopping up, I pulled on some warmer clothes and...

Are You Awake at Midnight?
Are You Awake at Midnight?
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Aug 2 3 minute read

"Are you awake?" my youngest son nervously asked as we drove home. "Yes, Andrew, I'm awake and fully alert,” I responded. A few hours before this question, I did something I'd never done before. As we had embarked on our 8.5-hour trip home, I...

Live Your God-Given Mission
Live Your God-Given Mission
Don MacLafferty · Jul 24 5 minute read

When we were children, we had dreams of what we wanted to be when we grew up. Stop and think a moment about those childhood dreams. Did any of those dreams come true in your life? We are going to explore our unique and special calling. God has a mission for your life and for mine. There is a reason why He chose us to live and...