The word radical can have a negative connotation, especially given today’s sociopolitical climate. It can be used to describe different or daring — and at times dangerous — departures from traditional values or behavioral norms. But “radical” doesn’t always have to be viewed as something bad. In fact, by definition radical is a thorough, far-reaching fundamental change. The Bible teaches in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that true conversion is a radical, or thorough and complete, change. Jesus taught that it was like being born all over again. Consider this: our traditional Western diet and lifestyle is creating an ever-increasing physical, mental, spiritual, social, and economic burden on individuals and society. As a physician, I strongly recommend patients make decisions that naturally avoid these problems. But, unfortunately, the truth is that these decisions can demand dramatic alterations in a person’s habits. These essential changes do not occur quickly or easily, even if people desire them.

Surely you can sense the rapidity of change occurring around you and around the world. But what about within you?  Maybe you feel that you need change…a change to something new, something better. Yet, perhaps you feel stuck, not sure what to do, discouraged while trying to make improvements. In this Be Well section the reader will discover keys and concepts for making healthy, consistent daily choices.  Healthy choices can make favorable differences in quality of life and reduce risks for chronic disease! Healthy choices in our spiritual walk has the potential for total transformation. It is our purpose to provide tools and strategies for improving physical, mental, and spiritual health. By reading articles within the Be Well section of this publication, we hope you will not only be enlightened and inspired, but motivated to make daily, positive choices that will improve your well-being and help you get ready for Christ’s soon return.

The quickest way to whole-person well-being is to become transformed into Christ-likeness. In order to do more, we must be more. We must be more Christ-like. Paul put it well in Philippians 3:13,14, “. . .this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Call to Action

Being transformed into Christ-likeness is an on-going process, a reaching and pressing towards the great calling He has for each of us! An introspective question to consider is do you daily invite Christ to live in you? To transform you into His likeness? Do you allow Him to shape your life into ways that transform you into a reflection of Him?

All scripture taken from the King James Version

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