“The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.”
-Psalms 34:7
Do you believe in angels? When reading the Holy Scripture, I see the many functions of an angel, but the ones that have caught my attention are the ones where angels are protecting the children of God. Daniel 6:22 tells that God sent His angel to shut the lions' mouths so they wouldn't harm Daniel. In Acts 12:7 the angel of the Lord came and rescued Peter from prison.
I believe angels are still at work even in our times. Here's my personal encounter with an angel.
Angels at Work
It was 2009 when I and another prayer intercessor, Patrecia, were coming home from Sabbath worship during a major storm. The snow was heavy and everything around us was blurry. We normally pray or sing as we drive. We would pray for those on the road alongside us, pray for the homes we drove past, pray through the Bible, and sing hymns of hope and encouragement. A favorite song we like to sing is "We Are Nearing Home."
This particular evening we were focused on how heavy the snow was falling. There was a good amount of snow piling up, and this was only the beginning of the storm. We were praying that the Lord would bring us home safely, because we had a good distance to go from where we were. As we approached a hill on the Southern State Parkway in New York, the car suddenly stopped. There we were, two ladies, Patrecia being about 30 years older than I, sitting in a car with a very minimal view of our surroundings, stranded on a New York parkway. The streets hadn't been plowed and the mountainous amount of snow wouldn't allow us to move. I was wearing heels and a regular winter jacket. Patrecia was more prepared with flat platform shoes and layers of clothing on. She didn't hesitate to leave the car and start pushing. Despite our troubles, we were not anxious and we were not fearful. We knew God is faithful and that our help comes from Him. We said a short prayer for Him to help us in our current situation.
Patrecia started pushing the car while I was gently steering, but the car wouldn't budge. Suddenly, a strange man appeared out of the blizzardly storm and asked if we needed help. To you this may seem like an ordinary thing, but we knew that New Yorkers rarely stop to help others especially not on the parkway! The man on the road helped Patrecia to push the car and his extra strength was just what was needed to get the tire unstuck and move us along. Once he was done helping us, he disappeared just as quickly as he had arrived. We gave God thanks for His help and drove slowly to Patrecia's home.
God at Work
God is constantly working in our lives. We are reminded in Hebrews 13:2, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Don't minimize or take for granted the miracles God is doing in your life. People have ascribed the many miracles that are happening in their lives to various things and giving credit to people when the glory belongs to God. The mishaps, the close calls, the favorable parking spot, are all God showing us that He is very much working in our lives just as He was in mine with this unexpected snowy rescue.
All scripture taken from the King James Version