What turns your eye (or your heart) in life? A beautiful sunset, a fancy car, or the latest technological craze? Do you find yourself getting distracted during the day? Distractions are one of the enemy’s favorite tools. We even see it in nature. “Bioluminescence is a phenomenon in which a chemical reaction in living organisms produces light. Some deep-sea predators are equipped with fleshy organs that produce this chemical light to which the prey is attracted, and is then gobbled up.”1

Satan can appear as an angel of light, but we need to be aware of his traps to steal, kill, and destroy — and submit to God, so He can eliminate the devil’s destructive distractions in our life (James 4:7).

  1. Hidden Truth: Amazing Bible Facts Revealed! (Amazing Facts, P.O. Box 1058, Roseville, CA 95678), p. 23, https://www.amazingfacts.org/Portals/0/PDFs/HiddenTruth.pdf.

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