Black teeth were a sign of wealth in eighteenth-century England. Because sugar was an expensive ingredient, it was eaten mainly by the rich. As a result, the wealthier you were, the more rotten your teeth were likely to be.

So, it is in this world today. People desire to be rich, filthy rich. But when you finally become that person that has it all, your wealth can corrupt and rot your emotional and spiritual well-being. But by God’s grace, that doesn't have to happen! Instead, we can use what He has blessed us with, big or small, to love and help others (Proverbs 11:25-26). This influence will be so much more beautiful than rotten teeth.

“’Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3 ESV).

Let us be "rich" in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and share this eternal treasure with others. This is the sweetest treat we can give during our probationary time on earth.

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