Did you know that an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain, and its eyes are around the size of a billiard ball? One eye is also smaller than the other; perhaps this is why they tend to run in circles.1 When we listen to our feelings and what we see in the moment and let our emotions lead us, we lose our self-control and our ability to think and execute clearly. Have you ever let your eyes get “bigger” than your brain, allowing your emotions to get the best of you?

God has gifted us with a powerful and wonderfully created brain and allowed us to use it to make decisions for His glory. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV).
By faith, we can forsake the fear of what is before us and instead choose consciously to let the Holy Spirit lead us past what we see now to what Jesus has in store for us.

- Maci, & Maci. (2023, May 31). 300 random facts No one knows what to do with - Facts.net. Facts.net. https://facts.net/random-facts/